Sunday, May 17, 2015

Housekeeping: New resolution

So, I've decided to try to post something every day.  Just because.  I'm not trying to read too much into it.  Part of me thinks it's because I'm trying to get more followers.  Another part of me realizes that this writing thing has become a chore and is hoping if I make it a routine then it will get easier and my perspective on it will change.  And another part of me thinks it's because I have so many half-stories and notes that I really just want to brag about my conquests.

But a post every day.  And for those days where I haven't written, I'll probably share a pic.  A bit of a departure from my style, but it's still true to what I like: blogs with just the occasional commercial porn but more original content.  Because there's just something hot and subversive about people that are intertwine their personal lives with something ostensibly sexual... if that makes sense.  It's not just a fantasy but something more tangible.


Demetrius said...

Looking forward to more briefs from you

Explorer Jack said...

It makes total sense, and I'm on the same page. I'm looking forward to your briefs as well.

Bruce said...

Mm... Briefs...
Oh wait, that's not what you meant. Thanks for the encouragement guys!