Monday, June 1, 2015

Storyless 2

I have a few things to catch up on, but dammit! Work keeps getting in the way.
So here's a pic of what my super shooter cop bud can do. He's talented with a loaded weapon...


HMrffgtslv said...

You should have made him lick it and fucked another load of him!

Bruce said...

I would have... But I didn't last long after that. Ha!

Anonymous said...

damn man....that is a huge load! i would have rubbed it all over you and told you to let it dry and wear it all day....
need to hear the story that goes with the cop!
inhere2 on mh

Bruce said...

Ah, a man after my own heart. Love feeling a hot load cool off and get runny and sticky.
The story that goes along with that pic will probably come up in a couple of days..