Monday, January 4, 2016


So, I remember being the editor of the school paper and the articles I got were written they way they spoke, which often meant that it wasn't grammatically correct. But when I re-read some of my blog posts, I cringe at my battle of verb-subject agreement. Like "she see" instead of "she sees". And if I write the way I speak, then I must sound fresh off the boat. Then I get annoyed that I'm using a derisive term that favors assimilation and generational distance from immigration. I similarly get annoyed when a guy tries to pick me up and starts asking "where I'm from". And the reason I'm annoyed is because I can't figure out if I'm annoyed that the person asking is assuming I'm either an immigrant or first generation American and thereby ignoring the fact that Asians have been here for awhile, helping build the transcontinental railroad, subject to internment camps during WWII, popularized the adjective "inscrutable"... Or if I'm annoyed at myself for wanting to disown my heritage and say quite proudly that I'm an American born in the Midwest and raised in California. But yeah, I probably shouldn't be surprised that my own feelings echo the same tortured state the nation is currently facing towards race, ethnicity and immigration.


Not Alone said...

Don't look at my grammar, please. I write like I talk as well, and I'm always afraid I come off as a non-educated smuck.

Bruce said...

You can talk me all unedjamacte-like all day... Just keep riding me. ;-)

BlkJack said...

I, too, suffer from the same as the same thing. I read some of your blogs and I feel my words will be judged and come across as a non-educated smuck. Not Alone said it best.

Bruce said...

You know, sometime I attribute this hypersensitivity about the external perception as a gay thing... Like always trying to regulate how others perceive in order to hide sexuality, etc. Can't tell if that's true or not...