Thursday, January 21, 2016

My daddy issues

He's only a decade younger than me but he started calling me daddy and begged for my load as I fucked my raw cock into him. I had already shot just a few minutes before into a condom but then he suddenly started talking about barebacking which got my dick hard again. His ass was incredibly smooth and silky and he was so intent on getting me off for a second time. But at the same time, he kept on talking about getting together on a regular basis. Like every other day regular. And no wonder I'm not a real dad 'cause I can't even fathom the commitment of that regular of a fuck bud much less the patience required for 18 years of dependence. I'm okay with just being a daddy in quotation marks.


JFBreak said...

This post makes me wish your blog had even more pictures ;)

Bruce said...

Ha! I think if you met us, you could possibly think we are peers, maybe if I were similarly dressed. I'm pretty sure it was the attitude I was projecting at the time and the boy's own predilections more than anything else. Just kinda surprised me cause it came out of the blue. It might also be that I tend to call people by diminutives like "kiddo" regardless of their age...